Thursday, January 16, 2020

On The Drawing Board

 in no particular order

1. Write up proposal for a new class for the Summer session at the museum. Actually, it's an old class made new.

2. Get a jump on Spring cleaning

3. Paint poppies on vellum

4. Create card for Chinese New Year to use the new Lunar New Year: Year of the Rat Stamp. Cards might go out by Valentine's Day 😺

5. Prep for Celtic Workshop at the local library

6. Prep for Spring classes at the museum.

7. Prep samples for new Summer class in case the class is approved

What are you working on?


  1. Good morning Sounds like an exciting schedule-I love this new stamp too.
    Very cold today and through the weekend-I will get my walk in indoors now. work on another journal page, perhaps tackle making those curtains for the closet

  2. You've got a lot planned, have fun. Nothing on my schedule just now, just trying to keep my head over water! Valerie

  3. When i read you ....................................................................

    I feel like such a slouch - wow you lead a busy creative life. That's a cool stamp picture.

    1. Busy-ness comes in waves, either all or none. I have my fair share of being a slug 🐌

  4. Well, you've inspired me to figure out how to use my blog... long story :-)

  5. I'm working on breathing in and breathing out.. sometimes thats all i can manage.......Hugs!deb

    1. There are times I feel like I'm dancing as fast as I can. That's all one can do.

  6. You've been busy or are busy. I've been working on a few projects myself; now if only I could feel like there was more time in a day to finish them. Smile. Hugs-Erika

    1. I think that feeling will come as it gets lighter in the afternoon. Did you see yesterday at 4:15p it was still light outside?

  7. Sessions in museums? Never heard of that, but I cleaned big yesterday :-)
    And I just love poppies, still have a sachet of seeds from a friend hanging right here.
    Last year I was in Perth and they celebrate Chinese New Year big - I nearly dropped my cam when a dragon went at me, LOL.
    Celtic sounds interesting, too.
    I´m planning on your "Words for the Year" - first time I plan something arty at all, and I´m having a hard time, too!
    Especially now that I admitted! ;-)

    1. I teach at the Worcester Art Museum. The museum offers art classes Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Sessions are 6 to 10 weeks depending on the time of the year and the class.

      I'll be interested in your art project. Sometimes those things need a chance to percolate.

    2. LOL. I only know that sauce, sits right there at the kitchen (sorry, but you just made me to! ;-)...)

      Well. the three "words" are already on the paper.
      And now I´m stuck a bit! But I´m at it.
      And I thank you.

  8. You certainly are busy! It sounds like a nice variety of activities on tap :)

    1. Busy enough without going crazy and different stuff so can’t complain about boredom

  9. Wow, that is a lot CJ! I have actually be doing some Spring cleaning and I have been doing some painting too, in between snow shovelling! LOL! And, trying to get my Etsy shop back up. It's been too long!

  10. I'm working on getting better. I'm super impressed with your incredible schedule. I REALLY want one of those rat stamps!!! Before you say it, NO, I don't order anything on the internet.

    1. Your post office should have the stamps. They went on sale 1/11

    2. The little PO I go to never has any. They either don't order them or they are sold out by the time I get there. Last summer I wanted the Fair stamps and I asked for the moon stamps, but they never got any in. When I asked if they had the scented stamps, they said no, but the BIG PO downtown had some. When I got there, they had ONE set of 20 (I think) left and I got it. The clerk even asked the other clerks to check, but they had none, either. Sadly, Wichita either doesn't order enough, or there is no interest in these unique stamps.

    3. Oh, that's too bad. This link is for the new 2020 stamps that are being issued soon. If you click on the stamp, you will see the date of issue. That way you can try to get to your post office on that day so you can be one of the first to get that special stamp
