Thursday, October 1, 2020

Happy Inktober!

Sharpie pen

 begins today! "Jake Parker created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year." Visit  the site to find out the suggestions. He calls them "rules", but they are really loose guidelines. You can use the prompts or not. Up to you. The main thing is to have fun and draw something every day.

10/01 challenge prompt: fish
Pilot Parallel Pen 1 mm, Noodler's Black ink. Micron Pigma Pen .01, watercolor pencil

From the nursery rhyme, counting song Over in the Meadow Over in the meadow where the stream runs blue lived an old mother fish and her little fishes two. Swim, said the mother. We swim said the two and they swam all day where the stream runs blue.

Inktober is a learning experience to let whatever happens happen. To not get worked up about creating a museum quality piece. Hooray if you do, but that's not the point.

So once again, the ink was taking a long time to dry. I thought it was dry when I went to letter the second line, but my paw went in the ink. Deep sigh. Forlorn look. But a thought. I use an acrylic bridge to keep my hands out of paint and gold when I'm working on illuminations. Why can't I use the bridge as I letter? I never thought of that before! Brilliant, if I do say so myself.

So, are you going to participate in Inktober? 


  1. That looks awesome. I am going to give it a try. I will try to keep it simple, that way it may get done.🤪❤️

  2. You hit the ground running as they say! Have fun with it! :D

  3. Love it CJ!!! Probably not.. Its hard for me to sign on for stuff like that..Alot on my plate.. But i think i will be sure to draw more this month! I'll be watching your drawings though!! Hugs! deb

    1. That's the main thing to this event. Draw whenever and have fun

  4. Nice fish! I love how you wrote the little poem like lyrics to go with the fish and the water. This is great!

  5. deer mizzuz "B" iz awesum and sew iz thiz storee we say heer in trout towne....984 PAWZ UP, and twice ♥♥♥ total lee kewl !!!! ☺☺☺

  6. You were up late last night, dear. I was surprised. Now I'm awake and loving your choice for the first day of Inktober. We ALL know it's not MY thing, but I always love seeing what you create each October. I'm so glad that one of your strengths is calligraphy. I always enjoy great examples of what you create.

    1. Thanks. Well, when the spirit moves to create, you create.

  7. I think this is lovely.
    Happy October and Inktober too :)

    All the best Jan

  8. love the poem and illustration - ..yes i'm going to play again this october.

    1. Yay! I'll look forward to seeing your creations.

  9. Love them both!
    Did you know there's black cat Peeps? Or maybe I should say Ink cat Peeps:)

    1. No, I didn’t. I had to go look them up. While they are cute, I thin Peeps are gross. Though I have enjoyed watching the chicks explode in the microwave. No Halloween Peeps this year as the factory shutdown production due to Covid concerns

  10. sounds fun-I am concentrating on quilting this month-but you will do well-hugs

  11. Happy Inktober! This is beautiful and the wording took me right back to my childhood although "they swam and they swam right over the dam" in my version 😀. Beautiful start to the month! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  12. Yes, my writing skills are down the drain, I only use my PC... mostly.
    Hmm. My Mum gave me a real Mont Blanc and that´s the only tool I really can write in a way I can read it!
    Maybe I´ll try... It´s so sad we forget how to write by hand.

    1. Oooh, a Mont Blanc. That would be perfect to use to draw during Inktober

  13. P.S. ... love the Halloween background!

  14. Great start to the Inktober challenge.

  15. So cute CJ! Happy October and by the way, I love your background! One of these years, I will participate! LOL!
