Friday, October 16, 2020

The Friday Five Good Things

Image from Clipart Library

Five good things that happened this week.

1. The Nephew's Wife posted adorable pictures of Baby G (2 yrs old) enjoying  a first time trip to the zoo. So cute

2. Made a nice Sunday dinner. Roast chicken, roasted small potatoes, and roasted colorful carrots (yellow, orange, white, and purple)

3. Amazon package arrived before the rain. For some reason,  most delivery people won't put the package inside the porch even though the door is open and it's obvious, it's a front porch

4. We got the flu shot.

5. I'm having fun with Inktober and have come up with some ideas for other words in the challenge

How was your week? 


  1. Awww, that is such a very cute age! And your dinner sounds fab! Same here with the postie. They just dump parcels in the hall and oh so often the main door is wide open. The week was uneventful for me as most weeks these days...

  2. Sounds good. Glad you got your flu shot. Stay safe!

  3. CJ,

    I found you through Bluebeard & Elizabeth's comments. I don't know if I've visited you before but couldn't resist since we share the same last name and obvious we have passion for art. As for my week, it's been busy trying to keep up in Blogosphere while preparing for our vacation time. I hope you have a good weekend. Stay safe and be well!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Thanks for dropping by. We’ll have to see if we are related 🎃

  4. Husbands boat floated!!!! It was not a mini titanic ! Whew!

    Work on the front stair rails has begun and so far so good.. knock on wood...

    The weather has cooled back off again..More like Fall again..

    Squeezing out some time in the craft room still. Making some Haloween cards...

    We are all still wearing our face masks and doing our best to distance ourselves.. so we are good... Stay safe CJ! Sounds like you've had a good week!! I'm really enjoying watching your Inktober..Love the way you interpret the words.. Hugs! deb

  5. I got pneumonia vaccine this week. Pretty uneventful week.

  6. That picture is appropriate for your Flu shot. Ugh. Sounds like another good week.

    1. That picture looks a little like me. Right down to saying 🤬 🎃

  7. Your roast chicken dinner sounds so good! I bet the baby pictures were adorable! I don't want anymore needles, till my operation! LOL! A good week CJ! Take Care!

  8. I had a good week. Thanks for asking. Saw Mom, went for a leaf peeping drive, mad some art...your week sounds good also. My amazon boxes came today before the rain too. I did a bit of prime day holiday shopping. If I can find something for the hubby, it's a good day. Hope you enjoyed the nice weather we had. And happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hanging onto the last nice days in the sunroom

  9. What a great week! Glad you got your Amazon package before the rain and your chicken roast sounds delicious - yum 😀. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. I'm glad the package didn't sit out in the rain

  10. Sounds a good week.
    Love the sound of your colourful roasted carrots.

    All the best Jan

  11. I'm glad your package didn't get wet. Deliveries can be tricky. I need to get my flu shot!

    1. I had a slight reaction from the flu shot. Neck muscles on the side I got the shot hurt as well as that arm for a couple of days. I also ended up with a 1 days sinus cold., but at least it's done and over with

  12. Sounds like you are having fun.
    I love colorful carrots. So pretty.
