Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

   This idea came from a Facebook meme:
Over 10 days, post your 10 all time favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order my favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

The Sting (1973) Paul Newman, Robert (Be Still My Heart ) Redford

If you haven't' seen this movie, it's available on YouTube


  1. Good choice. I was wondering (every time you talked about Robert Redford) if you were ever going to mention this one. Plus you have Paul Newman. How can you go wrong? Even if you don't like the story?

  2. Good choice and two of my favorite actors-Happy Saturday and weekend

  3. I've actually HEARD of this one, but have never seen it. It looks like a good choice, though.

    1. You should see this one. Not a chick-flick and the story is just WOW

  4. A brilliant film ... and not because I like both Paul Newman and Robert Redford :)

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. This is a good one! What a great cast, and it was an Oscar winner iirc.

  6. finally can say I've seen it and it's one of my favorites.
