Sunday, October 4, 2020

How Does Your Garden Grow?

 New Blogger still doesn't like uploading multiple images in sequence. Oh well.

The experiment: a bean and the celery

fading hydrangeas

a lonely, little petunia

the woods

the twig lost a lot of its leaves

The morning glories in the pots still blooming, but no Heavenly Blue morning glories

The milkweed lost all of their leaves

Slow progress on the greenhouse. The kit is in metric and Himself's tools are not. To the hardware store for more tools.

The Flying Lessons sign and the witch stay up year round.

Wind and rain knocked down a lot of leaves from the maple tree

Garden flag for the month.

How does your garden grow?


  1. I will be interested to see the greenhouse progress. I am hoping my flowers last long into fall.

  2. Autumn is on its way! My flowers are all more or less over. It's wild, wet and windy here today!

  3. I can't wait to see the greenhouse when it's finished too! :D

    1. I can't wait to see if it's finished before the snow flies 😺

  4. love the weekly garden post. i don't have a problem with multiple images. But my problem is that on my side bar where i have links to people their or my own image isn't showing up. Don't know why. Wow I would so love a green house. Bean and Celery - will be interested to see if it grows well. You have lots more colorful leaves than we do right now. Ours will really get going mid october through november. Happy sunday to you.

    1. I think the images not showing up in the side bar is a function of blogger ans when blogroll posts update. We are about 2 weeks ahead of where we usually are for Fall color. The weather dudes sia it’s due to the severe drought and the trees are really stressed. I’m not sure how the experiment will go. Our growing season is done. I don’t know if he intends to bring the pots indoors.

  5. Good morning, I enjoyed seeing your garden photos-how fun a new greenhouse! happy Sunday

    1. So far it’s just the base of a greenhouse 😺

  6. I love seeing pics of your garden and fall decorations. The Halloween flag is fab!!

  7. Your plants and flowers are so lovely. Such a great place to spend time.

  8. The Autumn leaves are showing color :) I look forward to seeing the greenhouse. I love that garden flag! Perfect!

  9. Fall is really here. I've actually had to pull out socks. (MY poor feet always rebel at the first sign of socks, but better that than cold feet-smile). Love the garden sign and hope to see more greenhouse progress. Hugs-Erika

  10. I enjoyed seeing your garden photographs.
    It's been very wet and windy here in the UK, and the evenings are getting so dark. Autumn and cooler days are definitely here.

    All the best Jan

  11. Too bad we don't live closer. I'm a tool freak and have both metric and English tools. I'd have everything your husband could possibly need. LOVE the new flag. You have a LOT of leaves this time of year. sorry I seem to have slept through Sunday, dear.

    1. The drought has stressed out the trees so they seem to be dropping all at once. Sunday is a good day to sleep through
