Tuesday, October 6, 2020

T Stands for Humble Bundle

 The Young One knows I use Corel Paint Shop Pro for photo editing. It's a poor man's version of Photoshop and a fraction of the price.

While I was having my evening cuppa, she told me about Humble Bundle Software and a promotion that was offering a deal on Paint Shop Pro called the Creative Super Hero Bundle.

For the next 15 days Humble Bundle is offering an unbelievable deal. You pay what you want.


Seriously.  You get real, working software. Not a demo version, but the full blown program.

Okay, but why is the software so cheap? Well, Corel will be releasing 2021 versions of the software. So if you don't need the latest and greatest, this is an unbelievably good deal. Brand new from Corel, Paint Shop Pro runs about $99. 

For $1.00, you get to download After Shot 3 (like Adobe Lightroom)

For $26.95, you also get Paint Shop Pro 2020 (like Adobe Photoshop) AND several brushes and filters for PSP.

Pay $30 and get all of the above PLUS Corel CAD 2019, Corel Painter 2020, Corel Draw 2020, and a bunch of brushes for these programs.

Besides the unbelievably, great deal, Humble Software also donates a portion to charity. You get to decide how much goes to their charities (Room to Read, The V Foundation), how much Corel gets, and how much Humble Software gets. Pretty cool. For my $30, $10 bucks went to all concerned.

The only downside (for me) is I prefer a hard copy (DVD) of the software rather than a download link. I'm an old, programming dinosaur so I like to have a backup. Also if you download the software, be sure to write down the 25 character key to open the program. You can't copy and paste it. 🤬

They also have other bundles for games, programming, and sometimes e-book bundles. Go check them out.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. I had that Corel bundle with my WordPerfect software, but since I prefer PhotoShop, I didn't bother adding it to this computer. I wrote the numbers on my CD so I would never lose them.

    Thanks for sharing this incredible opportunity with us, along with your cup of Grinch tea for T this Tuesday, dear.

  2. What a great deal. I'm "old school" and like DVD backups, too. And I groaned when you said you have to write down the 25 character key, you can't copy / paste. Ugh. Rain continues to be hard to come by here: it's still usually "a trace" if we get any at all. Happy T-Day!

    1. I hate the 25 character keys. Whatever happened to the number 5?

    2. Anne, if you have a program like free Gadwin PrintScreen, you can select the 25 character key with your cursor, click and apply. Then paste from your clipboard onto a document and save or print it.

  3. Sounds a very good price. I like Corel and Photoshop, but can't use either as they make my poor old laptop collapse with hissy fits! One of these days....Happy T Day! Valerie

    1. And I'm sure one of these days there'll be another awesome bundle

  4. I wouldn't know how to work something like that-I am totally computer illertiat I just type on them haha but sounds like an awesome deal for those that do things with their photos. Enjoy your new software-hugs Happy T

    1. Bought separately these programs could run close to $1,000 at full price so this is a huge deal.

  5. Sounds great, never heard of them before 😀. Thanks for sharing and sending Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Adobe is the industry standard. Corel offers more affordable solutions

  6. A long time ago, I knew how to do a few things with adobe illustrator (that probably really dates my experience). Now I only edit photos, so I just use Lightroom or the software that comes with the iPhone. Your deal does look very tempting if it's what you need.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. It's tempting even if you don't need it all 😺

  7. sounds good! I use Corel for certain things. I probably only know about 20 per cent of what Corel can do. I still use a mouse when I "paint' something over at paint pro.

    1. You might know a fraction but it’s fun to learn new stuff

    2. It is - definitely ..just haven't been motivated or taken the time.

  8. When I upgraded the PC I broke down and paid for Photoshop. It's a monthly subscription.....I HATE subscriptions but I honestly use it A LOT so I guess it's worth it. :-/

    1. If you use it a lot then maybe it’s worth it

  9. wow - those really are super deals!! Thanks for sharing! I still use Photoshop Elements 10 which is quite old but it works for at least what I know and am capable of doing (which isn't all that much). And yes, I like having an actual disc as well. Have fun with your new programs, and happy T day!

  10. Thanks for all the information, CJ. My Photoshop still works fine, but Lightroom deteriorated to the point that I couldn't even open it. No support from Adobe, I think. I may take the Corel deal, because I fear the same thing will happen to my Photoshop program.

    I absolutely refuse to pay Adobe an expensive monthly subscription FOREVER!

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Yeah, after a few months you end up paying for the price of the program, but still have to keep paying

  11. That's an amazing deal.
    For the most part I use Book Brush. It has a yearly fee, but is set up for authors.

  12. Oh ~ I don't know any tech savvy things ~ I hope you enjoy the upgrade :) Happy T day!

  13. What a deal! I've never even heard of these products lol Happy T Tuesday

    1. Adobe is the industry standard, but these do some of the same things for a lot less money

  14. Sounds like a great deal. If only I had a computer that I could download the software to.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. I read your post as I am watching a show on netflix about social media and advertising. How it manipulates us. From voting to suicide rates, etc. Not saying your post is about that, but I just found it interesting that Humble Bumble lets you pay what you think, and it's got me suspicious because is it manipulating you to spend some money. Of course this show also has me wondering if I should blog anymore. You should check it out. Anyhow, it's late and I'm tired so it does sound like a good deal. Hope it was a happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Perhaps, but I don’t think all have ulterior motives. The companies are issuing new programs so they have a bunch of stuff to get rid of. They give or sell the keys to Humble. Humble puts together the packages which are money savers at a fraction of what these programs cost. They also donate proceeds to charities. So a win win. Corel gets $$ for old software, Humble donates to charities, and the consumer gets functional software for short money

  16. Wow that is a great deal. Thanks for sharing this.

  17. Wow, that certainly is a good deal. Did you get what you wanted? I got my Photoshop free when I bought my computer. But it's in Spanish. Had I wanted it in English, I would have had to pay the full whack. (needless to say I chose the Spanish version).
    Stay safe,
    Happy belated T-Day,

  18. I don't know much about this - I have a Mac and use Print Shop. Belated happy T day, Chrisx

  19. Hmmm. Sounds tempting. But there must be something with what they catch you later?
