Saturday, January 15, 2022

Saturday Morning at the Library

When I was 5 years old, I was forced to take dancing lessons while the Brother was forced to take accordion lessons. I hated dancing class. The Knights of Columbus Hall where the classes were given had no heat or it wasn't turned on. I hated wearing the pink beginner tights. I liked clacking around in the tap shoes, but Ma wouldn't let me practice inside the house on the wood floors. I spent most of my time in class being miserable and crying. Eventually, I was taken out of class.

While the Brother still had to endure accordion lessons, Dad took me to the library. He would leave me upstairs in the children's library where I could look at the books and choose to take some books home with my own library card. As I got older, I would go downstairs to the adult library and wander among the stacks enjoying the scent of the books before going to find Dad in the reference area consulting the law books and catching up on his work.

So for the next several weeks, a list of my favorite books, some I have read as a child, others as an adult and some  I have read more than once.

This week, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, is a different kind of murder mystery.

If you haven't read this book, you may be able to find it at your library or favorite bookstore. 


  1. The book sounds good, must look for it! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  2. I've read this book a long time ago. I remember liking it, and I remember bits and pieces from it, but not the whole story. Thanks for mentioning it CJ. Stay warm too. It was -5 when I got up today. Brrrrrr.

    1. It was also made into a movie with Mark Wahlberg

  3. You got me! I just downloaded it to my Kindle. ;)

  4. I read this one. I've forgotten now how I came across it, but I probably picked it up back in the day as part of my effort to single-handedly save my local bookseller ;)

    1. And did you save the bookseller?

    2. Only in the sense that it stayed open lol I can't claim any credit for it. It re-structured, cut their floor space in half, eliminated their used book section... It's still with us, restaurant and all. One of local life's joys :)

  5. I've never heard of it, but obviously others find it appealing and remembered.

  6. I hadn't heard of this book so looked it up.
    Certainly different ...

    All the best Jan
