Thursday, October 27, 2022

Inktober 2022

10/24 Challenge prompt: fairy

First, rehearse your song by rote/
To each word a warbling note
Hand in hand with fairy grace
We will sing, and bless this place. - Shakespeare

Winsor Newton Ivory Black gouache, Nikko G nib, Micron Pigma pen, Prismacolor Watercolor pencils, Gelly roll pen.

10/25 Challenge prompt: tempting
Winsor Newton Ivory Black gouache, Nikko G nib, Micron Pigma pen, Prismacolor Watercolor pencils, Gelly roll pen.

10/26 Challenge prompt: Ego

Ego. Let it go

Micron Pigma pen, Tombow Dual Brush marker


  1. Beautiful writing, love the first piece very much! Valerie

  2. Your doing a great job with Inktober CJ.. Almost there! Just love the writing.. Hugs! deb

  3. Thanks for the 'earworm'.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Nice. That fairy page could work over at Art Journal JOurney if you were interested. That is up to you. Letting the balloon go is perfect. and I am loving the art with the writing still. Don't get blown away today.

    1. I was surprised how strong the wind was today! Lots of leaves down

  5. Beautiful! I love the illuminations. Fancy letters :)

  6. I think my favorite is Tempting because it is so clever. However, the fairy is probably the best and most beautiful this week.

  7. Tempting is a bit mean, is it?
    And yet my fav! So cute.
