Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Whatcha Doin?


We're celebrating Adoption Day. It was one year ago today,  Calli and Quill adopted us. They will be celebrating the day with games of Chase and Pounce, naps, and an extra treat of pumpkin puree with dinner. Here's to many more Adoption Day celebrations to come! 🍵

Whatcha doin?


  1. Wow, that year went fast. It sounds like they will have the perfect celebration too. And here's to many more, as you said. Hugs-Erika

    1. I know! It doesn't seem possible a year had gone by already

  2. I'm sure you will have a fun day with these two! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. A WHOLE year! WOW, that was fast! Time flies when you're having fun! :)

    1. I'm glad we're through the kitten $tage of flooding the bathroom and eating things we shouldn't with a trip to the animal ho$pital 🎃

  4. Have fun with the "kits" and enjoy Adoption Day!

  5. Aaaawww two lucky cats and people!! My cats have always been strays... Shadow as a kitten was chased around the shrubs of a bank for an hour.. Jinx was with his Mother and siblings hanging out at my inlaws Ranch.. He was so friendly he HAD to come home... lol Congratulations and a wish for many more... more years or more cats..? lol Hugs! deb

    1. I don't think there will be any more cats for me. I've already made the Young One promise to take them both if anything happens to me. If she can't, she has to make sure that she finds a home that will take the 2 as a bonded pair. Fortunately, her friend from OH has a menagerie

  6. guyz. we iz ona stolen moe bill dee vize, gotta type fast…
    pleez eggs cuze typos…happee gotcha day and heerz two a bazillion mor….a yeer a head filled with happeez and healtheez two ewe both❤️❤️

  7. Calli and Quill are just adorable. I can't believe it's been a year.

  8. Very, very cute - to celebrations and adoptions!!!!

  9. It doesn't seem like it's been that long to me...

    Today was grocery store day here. And I'm glued to SkyNews for the British PM story. What a mess!

  10. I agree that it doesn't seem that long since they adopted you. I am in catch up mode and getting further behind with each hour.

  11. They are both adorable, although now that they're full grown, the size difference is more noticeable (or maybe it's just the angle of that photo).

    1. No, the size difference is obvious. Quill is a hulk compared to Calli
