Friday, October 7, 2022

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. I heard from Florida friends that they were safe, and their homes didn't suffer too much damage from hurricane Ian.

2. I made baked potatoes from the garden potatoes and no fingers were injured

3. Our Nephew-in-law came to take a look at the sunroom roof to decide how to fix the leak. Our Niece tagged along with her husband which was a nice surprise. The couple recently returned from their honeymoon in Portugal. So we had a nice visit.

4. Calli has finally getting the hang of the pet door. She comes in and goes out all by herself.

5. A fun outing with Teague. Lunch at the Wayside Inn and a nice walk around the Grist Mill

How was your week?


  1. - Thankful i have the patience now to try to learn golf with hubby. Enjoying the time spent together..
    - Cooler weather!!!!
    - Finished a painting!
    - Preemie Grandaughter is walking and TALKING... I can hear the relief in my daughters voice
    - Enjoying the neighborhood's Halloween decoratioins going up..
    Sounds like you had an awesome week CJ! Feeling like Fall there? Hugs! deb

    1. Good news about your granddaughter. We're having a brief warmup today before returning to Fall weather.

  2. You did have a great week. I hope the sunroom roof gets fixed asap. And I haven't been to the Wayside Inn since I went to a wedding there in like 1993. I bet it was a fun day out. I just pulled out the fading veggie plants in my garden. It's nice, but so sad the weather won't stay like this a bit longer. Hope you don't get bad storms this PM. hugs from the Hobbit in NH. (smile)

    1. Storms? I thought today was supposed to be a nice, sunny warmish day before chilly Fall weather returns for the weekend.

  3. Nice week :) I hope the sunroom roof leak is an easy fix. Your outing sounds like a treat.

  4. Sounds like a great week! I bet those potatoes were the best 😊. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x
