Tuesday, September 17, 2019

T Stands for Genealogy Bug

 and I think it's bitten Himself. Himself had taken a DNA test from 23 and Me and began poking around in his family tree. He asked if I would mind taking a trip to the cemetery so he could visit his grandparents' grave. Mind? He had me at cemetery.

His maternal grandparents are buried in St. Joseph Cemetery in West Roxbury, Massachusetts. As a kid he remembered going to the cemetery to have a picnic. Picnicking on a loved one's grave was, at one time, a common practice. Himself said they didn't actually go picnic on the grave, but stayed in the car. I suspect the picnic was a way for Himself's mother to keep her brood of 5 quiet so she could have some time, peace and quiet to visit.

Himself knew how to get to the cemetery, but just in case as it had been decades since he had gone, he turned on the GPS. We drove through the cemetery and he stopped at a double tree that he remembered. I got out and walked among the stones, but didn't find the grave. He drove a little further down and I walked. And we found the grave.

His maternal grandparents 

 are buried with his maternal great-grandparents

I had joked in this section of the cemetery, there were no Italians buried. The stones were small, similar in shape and design. No large marble monuments with large angels and saints carved on them as I have seen in other cemeteries I have visited. These were all poor Irish.  Many of the stones had a traditional Celtic cross. While he visited, I visited some of the neighbors to see if there were any unusual stones.

All I found was this one with an eternal flame carved on it. I don't think I've ever seen that motif used before.

 I told you the grave was near a large tree. Yes, you did.

but just in case you didn't notice there were other large trees in the cemetery, the grave is just before the curve of the main road.

Himself also looked for his great-aunt's grave, Nana's sister. He thought it was in the same area, but we couldn't find it.

 So a stop at the cemetery office to ask for help.

His great-aunt was buried on the other side of the cemetery with his great-uncle and aunt, the brother of his maternal grand-father.

  He's not sure of the connection of the Hogans to the Murphys or why the great-aunt was buried with them. I asked if she had been married and had any kids. Yes, her husband wasn't a good man, and they had been divorced. They didn't have any children.

His grandmother had gone blind when his mother was around 7 years old. His mother went to live with Uncle Jack, his grandfather's brother, and his Aunt May.

Or the fact that Murphys were buried with Hogans (his grandparents and great-grandparents graves) so a reciprocal Hogan (great-aunt) buried with the Murphys.  The Theory of Relativity is so complicated.

There were Murphys buried next door. Cousins. And someone still lovingly tends the graves as there were flowers planted on both.

 While he visited, I went to visit the neighbors. Sad that the stone succumbed to the weather.

Across the way was a large, polished marble stone with a coat of arms on it. Very cool.

 And a beautiful epithet: He made things better. We all should aspire to be remembered like that.

 On the way out of the cemetery I spotted these monuments and asked Himself to stop so I could take photographs. I loved the grace and classical beauty on this stone. It took us a few minutes to realize the name on the stone was Roy. What we thought was a T was actually a cross.

 The Whovians will know Don't Blink!

After the cemetery visit, we headed to the 99 Restaurant on our way home.

My silverware was magnetized! Himself said the high heat of the dishwasher was a possible cause.

Instead of bread, the 99 starts you off with a bowl of popcorn

For my beverage, I had Bubble Green Tea and Himself had a Pepsi. So much better than Coke. The restaurant also offers a special of making any entree a meal by adding soup or salad and you get a petite dessert.

 Since my entree came with Cole slaw, I had the Seafood Chowdah (chowder)

  We also ordered the Shrimp Flatbread, a special Summer menu item

The Little Princess had her usual Hot Buttered Colossal Lobster Roll 

Himself had Steak Tips with Grilled Onions and Peppers

Himself had the yucky Peanut Butter Petite Treat. He got to have it all by himself because the Little Princess doesn't really like peanut butter especially with chocolate.

The Little Princess had the delicious Lemon Square.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. Genealogy is so fascinating to me, thanj you for sharing ☺

  2. It is amazing how taking a DNA test gets people motivated to look into their histories. The same happened to my hubby. And it looks like you had some fun going about with your hubby too. And at least, a nice lunch! Happy T day CJ. Hugs-Erika

    1. Though I grew up next door to him, and knew a bit about his family, it was fun to hear stuff I didn't know. And a nice lunch and no cooking was the icing on the cake. 😺

  3. Cemeteries are nice places to walk around and see the gravestones, especially when it's where your relatives are buried. Happy T-Day!

    Also, I found a link that might be of interest to you: Reader's Digest list of the oldest cemetery in each US state:


    (I added that link to my blog recently.)

    1. A visit to a cemetery is always a nice outing. Thanks for the link 😺

  4. Sounds like a very interesting and for you informative trip to the cemetery, glad you found the graves you were looking for. And the food looks good, although popcorn as a starter is hard to imagine! Love the look of that lemon cake! Happy T Day, Valerie

    1. A long time ago when the restaurant first opened, they used to put peanuts on the tables to start. Salty snacks make people buy more drinks. You would shell the peanuts and throw them on the floor! 😱 Popcorn is less messy. The lemon square was delicious and the perfect size. Just enough.

  5. What a great story about finding out more family history along with the grave sites. I have always loved walking through cemeteries. Looks like everyone thoroughly enjoyed lunch too- yum! Happy T day!

  6. Wow, it looks like you had a wonderful time! Genealogy is so interesting and the cemetery looked amazing 😁. I think you all earned that delicious looking meal afterwards too! Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Pepsi better than Coke????? Sacrilege! Sorry, but I'm a Coke girl from way back.... "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony....♪♫♪♫♪♫...."
    I'm tempted to take a DNA test but I don't trust what 'they' would do with the info....going to put my tin foil hat on now.....LOL ;)

    1. Pepsi and Coke come from the same barrel. Coke is at the bottom and Pepsi is on the top. 😺 Tin hat on or tin hat off, even without a DNA test, "they" have information on you. 😺

  8. Family graves make a fascinating outing. Finding graves even if you've seen them before can lead you on a merry chase in large cemeteries, but there are always fascinating things to see along the way. I'd prefer the lemon square, too :) Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Interesting that some of the stones weren't that old, but were really weathered.

  9. Your meals look delicious, especially that shrimp flatbread.
    Those headstones are all very unique and interesting. Some beautiful carvings.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. The carvings are quite beautiful especially the very old stones that were carved by hand. Most stones made today are cut by laser.

  10. So now you have someone to share your time with in cemeteries. So glad your husband was bitten. I never felt the urge, since I have no one to even ask or who to leave my information with.

    Had to laugh at the magnetized silverware. I've never seen that before. Your meal looks lovely, your chowder looks good, and your dessert is OK. Your husband's dessert is by far better than yours, in my opinion. Nothing beats peanut butter and chocolate. Thanks for sharing your trip to the cemetery, your meal, and your green tea and Pepsi with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. The magnetized silverware was funny. We had never seen anything like that before. 😺

  11. Interesting all you talked about regarding family and the cemetary pics etc...and the food!! a bowl of popcorn to start sounds great and everything looks so good.

  12. The food all looks so good. You got some wonderful cemetery photos. I don't know why, but I like old cemeteries. :)
    Happy T Day!

    1. Besides remembering loved ones, I love the art and history associated with the grave stones.

  13. A really interesting post and good that you both can research your family history together. Super photos you shared today.
    Your meal out looks good a super way to end your day out, I think you would have lots to talk about while you enjoyed your food.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yup, and plans to go look for his paternal grandparents.

  14. I enjoy genealogy as well. I haven't taken a DNA test...I'm afraid it might tell me I'm not 100% Norwegian as I've thought my whole life. :)
    Happy T day!

    1. That was the surprise I got because I was told I was 100% Italian. According to the Ancestry DNA test, I am 89% Italian and 11% Greece and the Balkans. If you think about it, no one is 100%.So many ethnic groups are made up of other groups that they were conquered or were conquered by, or shifts in migration.

  15. a visit to the cemetery is always a good outing. In Italy the gravestones have photos on them. Every year I visit the town I used to live in, I visit the cemetery and look to see if there is anyone i know.
    I don't know what the fuss is about between Pepsi and Coke. I think Coke was there first and has its fans. Personally I haven't tasted Pepsi and I don't drink Coke either. (I only use it to unblock a blocked drain, it's great for that, honestly. Try it)
    Genealogy is fascinating. It's so good that your hubby now has the bug too. Yes, I have been tempted to have my DNA done to see where my ancestors came from. In Holland people are usually tall and blond. I am very short and petite, with dark hair and olive skin. Typical Mediterranean, but not Dutch. My family on my mother's side are all like me.
    The magnetic silverware is very unusual. Fun to see though.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

    1. Some of the newer stones in some cemeteries I've visited have a picture of the person embedded in the stone.

      Coke and Pepsi have a friendly rivalry. Personally, I think Coke is way too sweet. It's been a long time since I've had soda. Didn't know about unblocking a drain. Frightening to think what you drink! 😱

  16. Picnicking at a loved one's grave is an honored tradition in Mexico. For Dia de Los Muertos, the graveyards are packed with families visiting their loved ones.

    "According to Mexican tradition, people die three deaths: The first death is when our bodies cease to function, when our hearts no longer beat of their own accord, when our gaze no longer has depth or weight, when the space we occupy slowly loses its meaning. The second death comes when the body is lowered into the ground, returned to mother earth, out of sight. The third death, the most definitive death, is when there is no one left alive to remember us."

    I was enthralled with your walk through Himself's family history.

    The magnetized silverware - I have a magnetic clasp on my watch band, so I frequently pick up silverware on my wrist. Friends compliment me on my new charm.

    You know me well enough by now to know that I'm drooling over the lobster roll.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. I had never heard of the 3 deaths. The third is the most sad as one's story would come to a definitive end.

      Lobster rolls are almost done for the season 😿

  17. I am fascinated by cemeteries....the ones in France have some very ornate stonework! Your meals look delicious! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. I love the art of the old stones and thinking how they were sculpted by hand.

  18. Geneaolgy is very interesting CJ , and we can find more family. I hope your search got a good result, perhaps, you need more time thought.
    Your meal looks delicious, wish you had a nice T-day.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugsss, Caty

    1. Yup, he'll need more time to search as he doesn't know much about his mother's side of the family.

  19. Certainly sounds an interesting trip to the cemetery, glad you found the graves you were looking for.

    Food looks good, a special yum for the lemon cake!

    All the best Jan

    1. I love the 99's lemon square. Sadly, I think it's only a Summer offering.

  20. What a great post! Love reading about the family history and seeing the tomb stones! I laughed about the "Italian" joke! LOL! That was cool about the silverware! I want some popcorn now! LOL! All the food looks so good! Big Hugs!

    1. Some of the monuments in Italian cemeteries are huge, lavishly carved ornate stones. Like we have to prove how much we loved that person! 😺
