Tuesday, September 10, 2019

T Stands for Sundae Lunch

I blame Erika from BioArtGal for her suggestion. 😉 She had mentioned that she gets together with some friends each Summer, and they have ice cream for lunch. So I mentioned an ice cream lunch to Himself, and he was in. So, we drove to our local ice cream stand the West End Creamery

I'm not a huge fan of ice cream, but I do like it especially on a hot Summer day or night. I don't as a rule have ice cream during the Winter. The day we went was nice and hot.

Here are the ice cream selections. So many choices.

And since we didn't have drinks, my drink reference is the selection of frozen and soft drinks on the menu.

Himself had a happy Banana Split. Just look at that big smile.  Mint Chocolate Chip, Pistachio, and Cherry Vanilla ice cream.  I had a taste, too, though I didn't grab the Reese's Pieces topping as I'm not a big fan of peanut butter. I think peanut butter just ruins perfectly good chocolate.

I had a Brownie Sundae with Coconut Almond Bar ice cream. Himself didn't have a taste because he hates coconut.

We sat outside on the deck and a had view of the former dairy now turned into a mini golf course and a corn maze. This year their corn maze salutes former New England Patriot's player, Rob Gronkowski affectionately called Gronk. The maze won't be ready until mid-September

We also had a view of Swans Pond. After we finished our lunch we stopped to feed

the Trash Cow.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. That was a fun outing, and there was a good selection of nice ices there. Glad you fed the trash cow, too. Happy T Day, Valerie

    1. There are so many ice cream flavors, it's almost too hard to choose just one. 😺

  2. I might be to blame but isn't a sundae lunch the best? It looks delicious! Happy T day CJ. Hugs-Erika

  3. OH I didn't know where this maze was, but I saw it on the game. It looks cool. I got so excited about the sundae lunch I hit post before I mentioned this. Hugs again! E

    1. It was cool The Creamery got some publicity for their maze.

  4. Though not a fan of ice cream either your choices both look SOOO tempting!! My hubby will get an ice cream when he's out on a bike ride but that's about it. What a fun and special lunch treat you had. Happy T day!

    1. It was a delicious treat and satisfied my ice cream craving for the year

  5. Hey there little princess, unlike you, I love ice cream. In fact, I bought a freezer full of it at the grocery store yesterday. However, I don't eat it in winter, either. I use it to cool my core body down in summer, but I love the taste, too. Your brownie looks OK, but your husband's banana split looks fabulous. And showing the drink menu is perfect for T, also. BTW, I can't believe people pay $2.00 (USD) for a bottle of water! Thanks for joining in today for T, dear friend and little princess.

    1. To cool down in the Summer, I drink unsweetened ice tea. The banana split was pretty good though too much for me to eat so I opted for the smaller brownie sundae. As to bottled water, if you really want it, you'll pay the price. 😉

  6. I agree with you about ice cream: it's never my first choice and never in the winter, but sometimes it's the perfect thing. And what a perfect spot! A nice view :) and all this talk of corn mazes makes me wonder once again what the one near me is like. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. The Creamery is a pretty spot. They used to sell deli sandwiches, too, and it was the perfect lunch spot. They had to give up the deli over some town ordinance (politics) which was too bad.

  7. Looks yummy! My fav is coffee Häagen-Dazs....we make our own 'nanner splits, that way we can control the portion size! (snort!) :D

  8. Now that's a lunch I would enjoy ...lol 😉. Your ice-cream sundae looks delicious! What fun to visit corn mazes over Fall, we do have them here but they are few and far between. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. The ice cream lunch was a perfect Summer treat. I’ll be skipping the corn maze as too many Stephen King stories 😺

  9. This post reminded me of fun times visiting the local ice cream shop when I was a kid. My father loveddddd ice cream and he always had a banana split too, Mom would have chocolate sundae and we kids got ice cream cones-so fun!

  10. That looks like a fun place to go for an outing. I like the views, and the cow trash can. Happy T-Day!

  11. P.S. I forgot to say Wicker Man was the one with Nicholas Cage. I didn't see that ending coming either.

    1. I like Nicolas Cage, and liked him in this movie

  12. What a beautiful area! Your treats look so good! I would eat them both! LOL!

    1. It was hard not to go back and order something else after I finished the brownie sundae 😺

  13. It looks a lovely area you visited, super photos. The ice creams you chose looked delicious, I think I would have enjoyed the banana split but with no peanut butter bits, I am not a fan of the flavour.
    Have a great day.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Don’t blame you. Peanut Butter is not one of my favorite flavors 😝

  14. Woowww I couldn ´t chosen just one ice-cream between so many delicatesse, wuaaaa love the so beautiful photographs you have shared, they are so beautiful, all is green there ! Happy belated T-dayt (sorry I´m late)
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugs,

    1. Almost too many ice cream choices. And we had such a wet Spring and beginning of Summer everything stayed green

  15. Wow! That is a huge selection of ice cream, so many to choose from!

    All the best Jan

  16. An ice cream lunch! Mow that sounds exciting. I had heard of a 'liquid lunch', but never an ice cream lunch. Good on you! They look delicious.
    Sorry I'm late in commenting. We are having problems with the power lines in the strong winds. The power goes off every few minutes for a short while and then it takes my computer a few minutes to boot up again. Nightmare!
    Happy belated T-Day,

  17. Your ice cream looks delicious and has me drooling through the screen. We don't eat a lot of ice cream either but sometimes the occasion or weather just calls for it.
    I am going to have to read that article of the corn maze. I have heard my hubby refer to that player but that is all I know about him.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. I like ice cream but don't indulge very often. That banana split is very tempting. The banana almost makes it a healthy lunch 😉 So nice of you to feed the trash cow.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Yup, a healthy lunch because a banana is good for you. The trash cow looked hungry.
