Friday, June 26, 2020

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week

1. A technician came to the house to service the printer.

2. Got a new oilcloth tablecloth for the computer table

3. Watched the live feed of sunrise and sunset from Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice

4. The weather station season changed from a pink tree to a green tree

5. The Young One and I played hairdresser and cut each other's hair. We didn't do a bad job.

How was your week?


  1. You Watched The Feed, That Is So Cool - What Is The IP Address To Your Weather Station - Excellent Week For Ya - Now, Enjoy This Weekend As Well - Stay Strong


    1. Himself got this model on discount because the WI-FI chip doesn't function so I can't be an official weather observer. It doesn't have an IP address.

  2. Sounds good. I've go 5 bad things for today - it's hot, it's too hot, it's much too hot, it's very much too hot and I don't like it! Valerie

    1. So sorry. I hope the humidity breaks for you soon.

  3. Sounds like you had a great week. I'm thinking of cutting my own hair today because the back is killing me. I can't stand hair on my neck, and this is bugging me.

    How soon is winter? It's so hot here, I can barely stand it, even under the AC.

    1. Hair on the back of our necks is the reason we decided to cut each other’s hair. And please, don’t rush Winter? It lasts like 10 months here.

  4. My week was good. Settling into typical summer routine. I like how the tree turned green from pink. Orange perhaps for fall? And you are brave to cut your own hair. Not me. I have not talent at all doing that. Happy Friday. Enjoy. Hugs-Erika

    1. We actually did a pretty good job for each other

  5. Sounds like a great week! So brave of you to cut each others hair, maybe you could pop over and trim mine too 😉. Love that your weather station changes with the seasons too! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. We figured if we got too enthusiastic with the scissors, the hair would always grow back 😺

  6. After reading about the technician, I'm remembering back in the 80's when i would have the IBM repairman come to my house to work on my typewriter and then we went to IBM mag card typewriter type machine and had several visits by the technician. I didn't know people still come to fix things like printers, etc. to a house. you must have quite a set up I'm thinking. sounds like a good week.

    1. Nothing special just a home office with computer and all in one printer. The company is small and offers tech at the shop or in office. I have an Epson eco tank printer and they are the closest that will service Epson. I was glad I didn’t have to try to keep the printer level over country roads so the ink wouldn’t slosh out. It wasn’t cheap, but I didn’t have to be without my printer for a few days.

  7. We've had a good week, although at times the temperature has been HOT!

    Well done on the haircuts, I'm so looking forward to getting my hair cut soon - I hope!

    All the best Jan

    1. We figured we had nothing to lose except hair while playing with scissors

  8. well that's good news. ink all over would have been disgraceful to say the least... but mostly messy as heck....;)

    1. I’m glad the tech was able to come to the house. He was gloved, masked. I wore a mask and we were able to keep some distance between us

  9. That's a productive week, much more so than mine ;)
