Thursday, June 11, 2020

I've Got ...

After 4 months of waiting for Winter to turn to Spring, for businesses to reopen after the Stay at Home Advisory was lifted, and for the contractor to squeeze us in, we have a new mailbox. I won't have to make trips to the post office every few days. 

Except today, because Happy Mail arrived in my post office box. I've seen a preview of the Happy Mail because I subscribe to USPS Informed Delivery, and and the Happy Mail is a scrumptious, little beauty.


  1. You tease! I hope you will show your letter soon! Valerie

  2. How exciting! I hope the snow plows won't be able to knock this one down! ;)

    1. It should survive. It's set back far enough from the road. There's a cobblestone area in front for the mail truck to drive on to reach the mailbox and for me to stand on to retrieve mail without getting hit by cars or dragged into the slipstream of trucks as they whoosh by.

  3. Great new mailbox! Yes, it's a happy day. And thanks for the Dr. Who clip - brought a big smile!

  4. Nice mailbox, your mailman does not deliver packages to your home? I guess we are spoiled she even walks down those steps unless I catch her first

    1. If the package is too big for the mailbox, the postman will deliver and put things in the front porch. I wasn’t clear for this post. I also have a P.O. Box at the post office that I use for my business. The Happy Mail was sent to the business address so I had to go to the post office to pick it up

    2. oh thats good that they deliver to your. we have always lived so rural that we just used a po box but it is a hassle driving there every day to check mail-I should sign up for what you said is in the mail-it may be offered here

  5. the street I live on has a cluster box half way down ....that there a way....informed delivery is great especially during winter, so I don't have to head to the box only to find junk mail !! nice mailbox and post !! :) ♥♥☺☺

  6. That is a nice looking mail box :)

    All the best Jan

  7. Nice granite post. Your mailbox looks super. This virus has changed so many things this year, hasn't it? Glad some opening up is going on but I just worry if it comes back and we have to deal with this all over again. Hugs-Erika

    1. It won't be a question of "if", but when. That's the nature of viruses.

  8. Oh come on, CJ. You are such a tease. You have a great looking mailbox, but I am SO happy mine is on my front porch. Our carrier walks, even in the worst or best of times.

    1. That's because your carriers route is a walking route. Your houses are fairly close together. When we first moved here 34 years ago, we were an RFD (rural free delivery) Our mail came from the post office at the next town over. Mailboxes were all on one side of the road so the mailman could just drive the route. If he had a package that was too big for the mailbox, he would deliver mail to the door. About 15 years ago, we got our own zipcode and post office, since the houses on my street are pretty far apart, the route is still drive only. The rule about having mailboxes only on one side of the street was relaxed so we can have the mailbox in front of our house.

  9. Now that is one huge mailbox! Ours only have a slit od ca 9*2.5 inches and the box only 10*4.
    Ohhh, that house in the background is so pretty!

    1. It's regulation size for curbside. Somewhere in between Length: approximately 18 9/16 to 22 13/16 inches,Width: 6 ¼ to 11 inches,Height: 6 to 15 inches I think this mailbox is the smaller dimensions. And that house is my dollhouse 😊

  10. I can't remember when we didn't have to go to the post officie for mail. No home delivery in the mountains.
