Tuesday, December 15, 2020

T Stands for Christmas Trees and Decorations

 Though it's been downsized, this tree is the  main event. There are two drink reference ornaments on the tree. Can you spot them? There's also a spun glass teapot, but I don't think it's visible.

Cocoa mugs spell out NOEL as the elf takes a tumble behind the piano.

The girlie tree. Ornamented with pictures of the girlies through the years. After uttering a few horse's patoots while struggling to untangle lights, Santa might need that cup of tea.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth’s blog to find out what the rest of the T gang is up to. If you want to play, include a beverage or beverage container in your post. Don’t forget to link your blog from Bleubeard and Elizabeth’s page.


  1. Your decorations look lovely! Have a great holiday season and keep away from the bad stuff!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. Your trees and decorations are beautiful. And I love that Cardinal curtain in the background. Happy T-Day!

    1. The cardinal curtains are in the living room/dining room, and kitchen . They will stay up through Valentines and February

  3. Wonderful decorations! Enjoy! Happy T Day, Valerie

  4. Beautiful trees-I did spot the cup and saucer.
    stay warm and safe during that big snow event coming your way-good times for hot cocoa and marshmallows Happy T hugs Kathy

  5. The tree and decorations look lovely. I think a lot of people have downsized. Can't wait for 2020 to be over with. Have a very nice day.

    1. The downsize came two years ago more of a need of our age

  6. I'll see that downsizing and raise you a Charlie Brown tree! LOL (I can't be bothered decorating like I used to, especially this year.....the Charlie Brown tree is about all I can manage....) :-/

    1. I love your Charlie Brown tree and think it is perfect. I saw one and pointed it out to Himself and you think from his reaction I was pulling the antlers off reindeer!

  7. How festive! I love seeing other people's decorations :) Happy T Tuesday!

  8. Beautiful trees and decorations. I also spotted the curtains with the cardinals on them. Very special.
    Happy T-Day,

  9. I saw the two decorations, but got distracted by the ROCKING HORSE I saw in the foreground of the main event tree.

    I love how Santa has to deal with the lights. That is REALLY clever, CJ. And those mugs are brilliant, as is the set of old style bubble lights I love so much. I have ONE, but it burned out.

    Thanks for sharing this incredible drink filled Christmas tree fest for T this Tuesday.

  10. Oh, I forgot that you would love the rocking horse. That's the Young One's Christmas stocking holder. The cocoa mugs are holiday decorations from Himself's childhood. Santa and lights was a gift to Himself from the Eldest. I found the bubble light candelabra in a catalog several years ago. You can find replacement bubble light bulbs at Bronner's https://bronners.com/search?keywords=bubble%20lights

  11. Pretty trees and decorations! I did spot the drink references on the first tree when I enlarged the photo:)
    Enjoy, and happy T day!

  12. I love how you hung all the stockings from the table's edge and surrounded it all with stuffed animals. I can see one of the tea cups. Maybe next week, you can share close-ups. My eyes are getting tired from searching. Just kidding.

    I love your Noel mugs! I've never seen the like. Your poor elf. You're just a kid at heart, aren't you?

    The girlie tree is really special.

    Wonderful post, CJ.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. We don't have a fireplace. The stockings used to be hung on the edge of the piano, but the room is going through a remake as soon as I can find someone to take the piano. The Noel mugs were decorations from Himself's childhood. He inherited them after his mom passed.

  13. What a fantastic idea to just have a small tree with pictures! I'm going to borrow that idea sometime from you I think:) I have lot's of pictures on my tree now, but to have them all on one is really sweet I think. Enjoy the season & your tea ~

    1. We used to have a 7 ft, tree so all the ornaments and picture ornaments fit. But Himself can't haul and put up a large tree so I needed something I can manage myself so two small trees.

  14. I love seeing your decorations CJ!! Beautiful and fun! Big Hugs!

  15. Your house is looking gorgeous CJ. I could enlarge the tree photo enough to get a good look at your ornaments however. So I can't guess. :( Sounds like this storm is going to heavier here than they said yesterday. That is another sad face too. But we should have a white Christmas. Hope it was a super T day. And stay safe in the snow. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yeah, looks like we'll get dumped on. Next week is supposed to be in the 40s so maybe a lot of the snow will melt!

  16. Your trees are veery pretty! The girlie tree is such a cool idea - I think my own mom would have loved it, too!

    1. It's filled with sweet memories. Each year, I would find a picture frame ornament and add a picture

  17. Oh nice! Love both trees. Love the "girlie" tree - I would have a "manly" tree if I did that, no females but me in the house when the kids were growing up. 5 to 1.

  18. Beautiful trees. I love the shapes.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. We replaced our tree last year - he old one was a bit wobbly, the new one fits onto a smaller table and is able to stand by the window! I love the girly tree - a truly lovely idea! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. I think the Christmas tree in the window is especially pretty.
