Monday, December 21, 2020

Tea Cup Close-Up

 During last week's T Day post, some visitors had difficulty finding the drink reference ornaments on the Christmas tree. Here's a close up.

Maneki Ink-o fits inside the teacup. There is also a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows and peppermints.

A spun glass teapot, but this wouldn't have been seen from the original shot. There's also a rocking horse for Elizabeth.


  1. I see them now! I am glad you enlarged them as I was wondering. Your sneaky peeks at the ornaments on your tree look great. I love the kitty in the tea cup! Happy Monday. Do you have all this fog? (And I won't wish you a happy solstice as I image you'll not be excited about that) Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, it was very foggy early this morning. I am excited about the Solstice. It's a cross quarter festival which means we are halfway through the dark and that much closer to the Summer solstice 😉 I woke up close to 3 AM to watch the live stream of sunrise at Stonehenge, but it was raining.

  2. Lovely! (It's so interesting to hear the stories behind people's ornaments!) :D

    1. The teacup was a gift from a friend from Iowa. The Naneki Neko fit inside and I thought he looked cute. The cocoa mug belongs to The Young One as she is fond of hot chocolate especially with marshmallows. The spun glass teapot is a gift from my MIL. She wrote a note that said how much she enjoyed having tea with me.

  3. Cool! I like trees like yours that have a variety of types of ornaments. So many stories. So many memories :)

    1. Some are gifts and when I travel, I try to find something that can be used as a Christmas ornament.

  4. These are all amazing, but you know my heart went pitter patter for the rocking horse. Lovely indeed. I think I found both cups last week. If I had found the rocking horse, I wouldn't have noticed the spun glass teapot. Guess it's good you showed it this week, dear.

    1. Yes, I remember you said you found the cups. I thought you would like the rocking horse.

  5. Beautiful ones. See?! Thank you for the reminder, I have two Christmas-Henries I wanted to share and never took a pic of!
    Happy T-Day and Merry Christmas.
