Sunday, October 11, 2020

How Does Your Garden Grow?

An experiment Himself is conducting. The recyclable hot/cold pack was soaked in boiling water and placed under the pot. The idea is to see if the heat will keep the plant from freezing at night now that the temperatures are dropping. I have no idea if it worked or not.

Another experiment. I've got my eyes on you

This week I learned that a group of wild bunnies is called a fluffle.  A fluffle enjoys their evening meal by the septic tank.

The winds picked up and I was excited to see the anemometer register wind speeds at 19 mph. They were much higher than that. We figure the anemometer is well protected so we don't get accurate wind speeds. Things turned wild around supper time as a fast moving thunderstorm blew through. The storm brought down trees and power lines all over town. We were lucky and not effected.

Two petunias

A couple of days after the storm a big tree branch gave up the ghost.

Some brilliant color

And finally! The Heavenly Blue morning glories started to bloom.

Just in time for frost advisories

Goldenrod and milkweed lean on each other for support

Milkweed seeds waiting to take flight.

Earlier in the week, Himself anticipated that lawn guy would show up. So we moved all the pieces parts of the greenhouse out of his way. High winds this week prevented Himself from doing any more on the greenhouse.

Even though we haven't had any trick or treaters for 15 years, I like to decorate for my own amusement. (We live on a main road in a rural town. There are no sidewalks and few street lights). The town usually holds a a Ghoul Parade on the town green. Afterwards, Trick or Treaters head across the street to the Main Fire Station for some goodies. 

Because of the rise in Covid cases, many towns are cancelling trick or treating. I haven't heard whether the Ghoul Parade is still on. Some parents were thinking of organizing a Trick or Trunk at the school campus. The police department was thinking of holding some sort of pumpkin carving or a punkin' chuckin' event.

Bones is all decked out in his kitty clip ears, and he has his trick or treat bag at the ready.

The Welcome sign got moved to the outer door to make way for Bones.

Don't worry about these guys not social distancing. They are all from the same pod so it's okay.

The door hanger points the way out. Here's your hat. What's your hurry?

How does your garden grow?



Iris Flavia said...

Good luck with the plant! I once found a Christmas tree in a pot (reckon both partners bought one, so they put one in the street with a sign to take it). Looked green all winder - but that was because it was frozen. As the temps rose it went brown, it was dead...
Love your Hallowenn decos!
Here it just slowly started with trick or treat. Hubby bought sweets and hung deco... one kid came by, one! No idea about this year...

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm thinking your garden is growing SO much better than mine. I still need to mow, hopefully for the final time this year. Your morning glory is beautiful. I hope they survive any frost warnings.

You must have had amazing high winds. Sorry you lost a large limb off your tree. At least the tree is still living and that's good.

I'm loving your decorations with their masks in place. What fun.

CJ Kennedy said...

But at least you had sweets! 🎃

Valerie-Jael said...

The garden is looking good, as are your decorations! I'm freezing here with no heating! Valerie

jinxxxygirl said...

Surrounded by pine trees as you know and they are all decked out in their brown needles..looking rather shabby actually ... Anytime now i think we will have an epic needle drop. Supposed to be windy today maybe that will help.. Leaves are slowly turning to Fall... Alot of brown though.. i don't think we had the rain when we needed it.. Long stretches of dry.. I almost always decorate for Halloween. I used to do it for daughter but now i do it for me..The only time we've ever had trick or treaters was in CA when we lived in a housing development.. Even so here i still make sure i have bag of candy in the house so i don't get caught incase someone knocks.. Love your experiment... We learned several years ago that tomato plants that have those metal cages around them freeze before ones that don't!! Hugs! deb

robin cox walsh said...

Love that your decorations are being vigilant and wearing masks! :D

CJ Kennedy said...

Living in this state, we're sometimes called Massholes, but we're not Maskholes 😺

CJ Kennedy said...

I hope the morning glories survive. I've waited a long time for them to bloom.

CJ Kennedy said...

Still no heat? It's been days. What is your landlord saying?

CJ Kennedy said...

I'll probably pick up some candy, but not for anyone that comes to the door. 🎃 I know that's not going to happen.

sandy said...

very interesting post. Where to start. The winds - the storm - glad you still had power. Trick or treaters - i, too, like to decorate a little but we haven't lived anywhere in almost 40 years where trick or treaters came - we were always up a hill or hidden behind a long a** driveway with a tunnel of trees. I would buy one bag of candy just in case. Good idea about the experiment keeping plants from freezing... anyway have a good week!

CJ Kennedy said...

Thanks. You, too!

My name is Erika. said...

No frost yet but definitely some of my annuals are dying back. Cleaning up might be my project one day this week. Fluffles. That's an interesting word but fits a bunch of bunnies. I like the photo of your fluffle. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

Fluffles. Such a cute word to describe bunnies

Divers and Sundry said...

A fluffle! How adorable!

My fall-blooming sunflowers aren't even blooming yet. This is much later than usual.

Let's Art Journal said...

Your garden is looking lovely and it looks like autumn is on its way. We still have lots of flowers and colour in our garden despite it being colder weather and we have lots of birds visiting too 😀. My hubby has just cut our lawn, I think it maybe the last time this needs to be done this year. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

sandy said...

i will, it's starting out good. The winds haven't started yet that our predicted as a long range event up here.

CJ Kennedy said...

I wonder what give? Too little rain, not enough rain?

CJ Kennedy said...

I think the lawn guy will be coming one or two more times, mostly to clean up the leaves.

Magic Love Crow said...

I've missed your garden CJ! Everything is looking great! Love the idea about the hot/cold pack! So cute seeing the fluffle! Your Halloween decorations made me laugh! LOL! Well done! Big Hugs!

CJ Kennedy said...

We don't get any trick or treaters because there are no sidewalks and streetlights are few and far between so I decorate for my own amusement. I'm glad you enjoy my silly sense of humor